Goodbyes are like a roulette wheel

The first in my series of #LyricsToLiveLifeBy.
”Goodbyes are like a roulette wheel…you never know where they’re gonna land.” I must say…I LOVE this lyric. One of my favorites of all time, which is probably why it gets my pick to start this series. While the song itself speaks to a relationship that is destined to end, with the man honestly telling his partner he is Better As A Memory than as their man, the previous lyric in the first sentence of this post can be applied to many areas of life. The truth is we don’t always know when the last time is we’ll see someone, or if we’ll ever really get a chance to say goodbye.
One of my best friends was dying of cancer, and I knew that day at the end of September of 2018 was going to be the last time I would see him. We talked on his front porch while he smoked his medicinal marijuana to calm his nerves and mind, spoke of life, loves, times together. Sometimes you know that’s the last time you’ll see someone, you make your peace with them, say what you need to say to them and they to you, and you go. Other times you aren’t so lucky, as the lyric so beautifully attests to.
Now is a good time to handle this. Take a moment, get this off your chest. Who have you lost that you didn’t get to say goodbye to, and what would you have said to them? Picture them in your mind’s eye. Close your eyes. Share what needs to be said…and get this out to them.
Life is fragile, moments are fleeting, squeeze the juice out of every day. It’s ALWAYS a good time to tell someone what they mean to you.