Take control of your mind and just meditate

Take control of your mind and just meditate.” – Where Is The Love? – Black Eyed Peas  This song was released in 2003 and some would say it resonates even stronger in today’s society of 2020 and beyond.  Where IS the love?  This song was co-written by Justin Timberlake, who also sang on the track and actually came up with the chorus after hearing the song on the phone.  It was also the first Black Eyed Peas hit to feature singer Fergie as an official member.

The origin of this song is deeply rooted in the fight against racism in the USA, and the general anxiety that existed in this country post 9-11.  The line “Take control of your mind and meditate” also speaks to the songs beats per minute (94).  Will.i.am said that that bpm was inspired by a human heartbeat, as that is what he felt the song needed to correspond with the lyrics of racism, pollution, war, terrorism and government hypocrisy.  

While much could be written about the other lyrics in the song, I chose this one as the series is #LyricsToLiveLifeBy, and this one hits close to the heart (pun fully intended).  When was the last time you took control of your mind and meditated?  When did you just let.your.world.stop.?

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the need to getitdonerightnow, some would say we haven’t had a chance to slow down and reflect.  Once a day, whether in the morning as you get up, or in the evening just before bed, take a moment to take control of your mind and meditate.  What went right that day?  What went wrong?  How could you have done better?  Did you make a difference in the world that day?  When the walls seem to be closing in on the world and everything may seem bleak and dark, remember – take control of your mind and just meditate.  That’s #LyricsToLiveLifeBy.  

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