How Do You Deal With Emotional Employees

Dealing with emotional employees is and always will be a challenge. It’s important to be sympathetic to their needs when they are going through a particularly challenging time.
We as employers also need to look in the mirror and see how we could help our employees better deal with the emotional stress of the job that we have hired them to do.
There are several ways to do this. #1 Have periodic checkpoints regarding their work or progress on a project. Have a quarterly, semi-annual or annual review where you not only discuss how they have performed for you as an employer but where you get feedback from them. Ask questions such as “If you were in charge of this company, what changes would you make?” “What are some of the biggest challenges and success stories you experienced over the past time period?” and “How could we empower you to perform your job better?”
Another way to relieve emotional stress and ensure employee loyalty is to have a quarterly, semi-annual or annual outing or party with your team. This is where you can create bonding opportunities that happen off the clock, allowing the team to make stronger connections with the other team members and see each other as people and not just a coworker.
What benefits can you provide as help for emotional employees?
Health club or gym memberships, therapeutic massages, 5k tickets or maybe just by offering to send them and their significant other out to their favorite restaurant can help reduce stress levels and show you as a caring employer while building employee loyalty.
Key point about the last sentence. Don’t forget about the spouses. Some people take their work home with them. Spouses or significant others can resent that very quickly. The more support you can show of the employee and positive contributions you can give them, the more likely the spouse or significant other will have your back if/when the employee starts to have an issue with something.
Finally, relieving employee stress doesn’t have to cost you money. Sometimes you wake up and realize that you just aren’t going to be productive that day. That’s ok. If an employee comes in with a bad attitude suggest a session to talk about it. Then (if workload permits or whenever possible) give them a bit of time off to re-energize themselves. The additional time away can allow for reflection and allow them to come back to work a bit more rejuvenated, eager to get back at it and thankful that you took the time to listen to them and understand their concerns.
Lastly, think about how to deal with emotional employees BEFORE it becomes an issue, and maybe this should have been first 😉
I would recommend whenever possible that you have a SECOND interview with whomever you are hiring to represent your company. ANYONE can show up on time, have good manners and make a good first impression in one interview. Not everyone can do it a second time. That second interview MAY just be a lifesaver and eliminate future headaches if an employee shows their true colors to you before you have the opportunity to make a mistake that will cost you time and money, two of your most precious and valuable resources.
For more great tips on connecting with clients, colleagues, new connections and your community check out Vickie Musni and my new book Creating Connections – 31 Days to Building Stronger and Deeper Relationships at